


corporate culture

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Our mission: Continuous “technical innovation”makes our sky bluer;

Corporate vision:Pay attention to corporate responsibility,serve the heart,care for the society,give back to the society,and win social respect.

Values: quality, innovation, responsibility, and win-win.

Business philosophy: Everything is centered on customer value!

Management philosophy: caring for the growth of employees, providing them with a good working environment; 

improving the employee training system and career development channels, so that employees and the company grow at the same time; 

fully respecting and trusting employees, and constantly guiding and encouraging them to achieve the joy of achievement.

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THERMO (Xiamen) Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd.

Address:5th Floor,Building 3,NO.455,Er Huan South Road,Tong an District, Xiamen City


E-mail: amy@auto-thermo.cn


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